Saturday 27 July 2024 SKIPPhotos Gallery  
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1999 -Outlook of house when just purchased
2020 -Outlook of house after improvements
Edge of side garden
Hot Tub Area
Violin purchased from garden centre
2019 -Side Garden
Part of the side garden
Another part of the side garden
2017 Back Garden
2020 February back garden
2020 March back garden ready to tile
2020 Back garden after tiling
2020 May Back Garden
2020 May back garden tea room
2017 Outside aviary, had to take all birds in for new next door bon fires, 6 of my cockatiels died
2015 -Cockatiels aviary had to remove birds indoors for next door constant bon fires
Jack having a nap in living room
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Patricia Marchand


Copyright Patricia Marchand 2023
Last updated on the 30th July 2023